J.C. Moore Online
Current Events from a Science Perspective

Vote for the Environmental Hall of Fame/Shame

The Nominating Committee has reached its decisions. Please vote for the person you think has most affected the environment through word or deed. The2009 winner in the in the Environmental Hall of Fame category will receive the “Most Noble Prize in Environmental Science” and a suitable gift. The winner in the Environmental Hall of Shame category will receive the “Ignoble Prize in Environmental Science” and a also suitable gift.

If you wish, please post a reason for your vote and a suggestion for a suitable gift for your favorite candidate. The author will buy the gifts from his Newsvine earnings so please don’t worry about the expense. Your votes may be given at http://que2646.newsvine.com/_news/2010/01/20/3783801-live-poll-vote-for-candidates-for-the-environmental-hall-of-fameshame

Nominees for Hall of Shame

  • George Will
  • Senator James Inhofe
  • SpaceGuy, Newsvine Blogger
  • Arthur B. Robinson

Nominees for Hall of Fame

  • Al Gore
  • Senator Barbara Boxer
  • Benno Hansen,  ThinkAboutIt Blogger
  • Govenor Arnold Schwarzenegger

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