J.C. Moore Online
Current Events from a Science Perspective

Posts Tagged ‘Misaccomplishments’

Nominate Your Picks for the 2012 Environmental Hall of Fame/Shame Awards

Sun ,16/12/2012

Earthrise over the Moon from Apollo 11.

It is important that we keep in mind those who are heroes and villains  in our efforts to protect the environment. Each year, this site takes a poll to find those most deserving of recognition in the Environmental Hall of Fame and the Environmental Hall of Shame. Nominations are now open for those  awards to those who have most affected the environment by words or action. With the ongoing  debate about  global warming and environmental regulations,  nominees should be easy to find.  Please send  at least one nomination  for  each category by e-mail through the “Contact” link or put it in the comment section . If you would, please include a short reason that your nominee should be chosen and suggest a suitable gift if they win.

Nominations will be taken until June 31st, 2013. The nominees will then be  listed  and this site will conduct a poll to determine the winner in each category.   You may suggest a suitable prize for your nominee. Please be imaginative, as particularly thoughtful or humorous  nominations will  be recognized and published on this site

The 2011 Environmental Hall of Fame Winners  was James Hansen for  playing a pivotal role in delaying a decision on the XL pipeline  whose construction  would greatly accelerate global warming. The 2011 Hall of Shame award went to Halliburton (Cheney),  for the Halliburton clause in the Clean Water Act. This clause provided a loophole that allows the composition of fracking chemicals to remain secret, thanks to Cheney. Past years winners and their gifts were:

Hall of Fame    – Gift    

2011        James Hansen – A massive presence at the 2012 Citizen’s Climate Lobby 

2010        RealClimate.org  – A recommendation from this site. ( Priceless)

2009       Benno Hansen,  ThinkAboutIt Blogger – A Subscription to Science News.

Hall of Shame    

2011        Halliburton (Cheney)  A big glass of water from a well next to a hydrofracking operation.

2010        Koch Brothers – A petition to the Wizard of Oz for  the grant of a social conscience.

2009       SpaceGuy,  Newsvine Blogger – The movie Wall-E,  representing his view of the future of Earth.


(C) 2012  J.C. Moore


Nominate Your Favorites for the 2011 Environmental Hall of Fame/Shame

Tue ,03/01/2012

Each year, this site takes a poll to find those most deserving to receive recognition in the Environmental Hall of Fame and the Environmental Hall of Shame. Nominations are now open for those who have most affected the environment by words or action. With the ongoing  debate about environmental regulations, a number of possible nominees should be easy to find.  Please send your nominations  for the Environmental Hall of Fame and for the  Hall of  Shame by e-mail through the “Contact” link.  You also may place your nomination in the comment section ,  but if it includes a link, the spam blocker may catch it. If you wish, you may  include a short reason that your nominee should be chosen and suggest a suitable gift if they win. 

For example, Congressman John Sullivan might be nominated in the Hall of Shame category for introducing a bill in Congress that would require the EPA to do a cost-benefit analysis on for every rule it makes. His legislation would create a huge amount of paperwork for the EPA and would make its job impossible to do, which seems to be his goal. A suitable gift might be a large piggy bank in which to keep the donations that action has earned him. Or, Congressman Frank Lucas may be nominated in the Hall of Fame category for acknowledging that climate change might affect our food supply. A suitable gift might be a crystal ball, so that he can show other members of the Congress what the future might look like if we do not act to mitigate climate change.

Nominations will be taken until January 31st, 2012. The nominees will then be  listed  and this site will conduct a poll in February to determine the winner in each category.   The  2011 year’s winner in the Environmental Hall Fame category will receive the “Most Noble Prize in Environmental Science” and a  suitable gift. The winner in the Hall of  Shame category will receive the “Ignoble Prize”and a gift also.  Past years winners and their gifts were:

                      Hall of Fame    –    Gift                                             

2010        RealClimate.org  – A recommendation from this site. ( Priceless)  

2009        Benno Hansen,  ThinkAboutIt Blogger – A Subscription to Science News.           

                      Hall of Shame    

2010         Koch Brothers – A petition to the Wizard of Oz for a social conscience.

2009         SpaceGuy,  Newsvine Blogger – The movie Wall-E, his view of the future of Earth.

You may suggest a suitable prize for your nominee. Please be imaginative, as particularly thoughtful or humorous  nominations will  be recognized and published on this site.

(C) 2012  J.C. Moore


Nominations for the 2010 Environmental Hall of Fame/Shame

Tue ,07/12/2010

Each year, this site takes a poll to see who the readers think is the most deserving person to receive recognition in the Environmental Hall of Fame or Hall of Shame. Nominations are now open for the person who has most affected the environment by words or action. With the debate on environmental regulation coming up, a number of possible nominees should appear.  Please send your nominations  for the Environmental Hall of Fame and for the  Hall of  Shame by e-mail through the “Contact” link  along with a short reason that your nominee  should be included. You may also suggest a suitable gift for them if they win.  You may also place your nomination in the comment section,  but if it includes a link, the spam blocker may catch it.

Nominees will be taken until January 15, 2011 and the nominees will then be  listed  and a  vote  taken.  The  2010 year’s winner in the Environmental Hall Fame (or Shame)  category will receive the “Most Noble (or Most Ignoble Prize) in Environmental Science” and a  suitable gift. For instance,  while last year John McCain  might have deserved a framed picture of a trout swimming upstream  in the  Fame Category, this year he might deserve a picture of a trout flip/flopping on the bank in the Shame category. Let us hope that, after the election, he will flip back in and continue upstream. In the  Hall of Fame category  for instance,  John Kerry might receive a gold star  for his work on environmental legislation or Arnold Schwarzenegger might receive a model electric car for promoting the bigger ones.

You may suggest a suitable prize for your nominee. Please be imaginative, as particularly thoughtful or humorous  nominations will  be recognized and published on this site.

(C) 2010

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Nominations 2010 Environmental Hall of Shame/Fame

Sat ,03/10/2009

You may nominate someone who has affected the environment through word or deed for either the Environmental Hall of Shame or the Environmental Hall of Fame. Please send an e-mail through the “Contact” link with a short reason that they should be included. A link or reference to their accomplishments or misaccomplishment  will increase their chance of being included. It will be assumed that your reasons are accurate and may be quoted with proper credit to you, unless you request otherwise.

Nominees will be listed and a  vote will be taken at the end of each year. The  year’s winner in the Environmental Hall Shame category will receive the “Ignoble Prize in Environmental Science” and a  suitable gift. For instance,  George Will might receive a case of CFL bulbs or the Robinson’s might each get embossed copies of  ” The Chemist’s Code of Conduct”.

The  winner in the Environmental Hall of Fame category  will receive the “Most Noble Prize in Environmental Science” and a  suitable gift. For instance,  John McCain might receive a framed picture of a trout swimming upstream.

You may suggest a suitable prize for your nominee